Reading suggestions
Browse the New Releases section of our catalog for the latest additions to our collection.
We like to use Fantastic Fiction to follow new releases from authors, check the order of book series, and browse by genre. You can also create a free account to follow your favorite authors, create a to-be-read list, and keep track of the books you've read.
The Kent District Library maintains a nice database for book series.
Many of our patrons like to use Good Reads for recommendations and to find great read-alikes. You can create a free account if you'd like to keep track of your reading history.
When visiting the library and browsing the shelves, take a look at the endcaps and notice how they are changed monthly. That is because our staff does a wonderful job of coming up with new displays with certain themes. The displays may be celebrating a national holiday, raising awareness for certain issues or even just a fun day noted on the calendar. These displays are ways that we can help you to find something different to read or to try a new author or genre.