Interlibrary Loan
Knoxville Public Library receives Interlibrary Loan Service through the State Library and bases its Interlibrary Loan policy on those of the service area.
Interlibrary Loan requests will be made through the SILO system whenever possible.
According to the State Library ILL cost-study, the cost of loaning an item by interlibrary loan is approximately $7.50. The State Library reimburses lending libraries $2.00 per transaction.
Patrons of the Knoxville Public Library are asked to pay $2.00 per item when the material is picked up to help cover the cost of postage and handling. Patrons must have no fines of over $20.00 and must have a current library card to use the Interlibrary Loan service. If an item is not picked up or returned late, a $5.00 processing fee is applied to the patron's account.